Retarded Traffic Lights in Japan

There are a lot of awesome things in Japan as well as a lot of retarded things. Here are a couple examples of the retarded.

The light is facing a two-laned, one way street where the only way you can go is straight. The two lanes on the left merge into this street.

You can only go straight so why is there both a red light and a green arrow? Are you intentionally sending mixed signals? Are you playing coy? Are you experiencing some moral-related cognitive dissonance on whether to allow me to get what I want? Cause I’m taking it now you impudent huss.

This one speaks for itself.

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p.s. 2019 update: Just to be a dick to myself, what that red light means is that the oncoming traffic has a red light, so it’s safe to go in any direction. But just to be a dick to Japan, you have robots that are pretty much humans, so how about implementing some of that technological prowess and using a different color than red to signify that meaning. Douches.