Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut - PPPP

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut - PPPP

Non-Spoiler Alert: Vonnegut tells us at the onset what the climax of the story is so there’s almost no way for me to spoil anything for you. I’ll still try though. I’ll try my ass off to spoil everything for you. But again, it’s really unspoilable. Here goes.

Due to a combination of bad chemicals and bad ideas in his head, at the climax, Dwayne Hoover, a wealthy car dealer, goes on a rampage that sends 11 people to the hospital. The man responsible for those ideas is the other main character, Kilgore Trout, a prolific yet obscure sci-fi writer.

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Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut - PPP

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut - PPP

I’m beginning to think that Kurt Vonnegut’s reputation as a comedic author is ill-fitting. This is the third book of his that I’ve read and while he’s creative and witty, he’s not laugh-out-loud funny; which is a problem for readers looking for at least a few hearty LOLs.

In Cat’s Cradle, the narrator, John, tells us that a long time ago he began collecting material for a book he intended to call The Day the World Ended, which would be an account of how certain notable Americans spent the day that the atomic bomb was

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Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death by Kurt Vonnegut - PPPP

Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death by Kurt Vonnegut - PPPP

This book does not belong here. Despite being written by one of the most renowned comedic authors ever, it is not a comedy. While it is full of wit, insight, and creativity, it is not full of chuckles.

Centering on the infamous fire-bombing of Dresden, Germany at the end of World War II, Slaughterhouse-Five tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, a goofy yet gentle and unassuming kid from upstate New York who becomes “unstuck in time” during his brief involvement in the war mainly as a POW.

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