6-8 Folk We Need More of in Japan

6-8 Folk We Need More of in Japan

1) Hilarious English on T-Shirt Guy
You know what sucks about Japan? The more time goes by, the less T-shirts I see around here with bizarre and/or inappropriate English on them. Back in the day, there were all kinds. You used to see family men playing in the park with their kids sporting a shirt saying “Alcoholic” or an old man on the train wearing one saying “I feel happiness when I eat a nose rice” or stroll by an elementary school and see kids with shirts saying “wishes do girls,” “try my delicious salt

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The Legend of Johnny Box

The Legend of Johnny Box

On the bleakest, most desolate day in the history of the world, Zeus, taking the form of a black bull, descended from the Heavens in a fit of passion.

At precisely this same moment, hidden deep within the Earth’s most verdant tropical rainforest, mankind’s most beautiful creation ascended from nature’s most awe-inspiring wonder: a translucent hot spring pool with shimmering sapphire sand, encircled by a ring of angel tear

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